Living Word Fellowship is a sending church. We not only send our own missionaries across the country and the world, we also support many ministries financially, through prayer, and sometimes through partnership. These are just a few of the ministries connected to our church, either through partnership or direct support by our congregation.
Missions & Ministries
Brimson, MN
Our church partners with Tentmakers for leadership training. We have received several of their Year-On-Mission teams and sent church members to their Daniel Leadership Institute in the past, and Pastor Owen Cooper continues to work alongside Tentmakers and their ministry endeavors.

Church Planting & Leadership Development
Owen Cooper works alongside his family with CP&LD (Church Planting & Leadership Development), sponsored by Living Word Fellowship. The focus of this ministry is raising up new workers, primarily through Tentmakers' Year-on-Mission program. CP&LD also operates as a launching-pad for new ministries. The two most recent are the Men's and Women's Mission Houses, and Guardians of the Unborn, run by Donald Dunlap, a Year-on-Mission alum. The Cooper family is also involved in running Kids Club in both the elementary and middle schools in Whitewater.
Christian Fellowship
Phone: (608) 274-9001
Website: www.intervarsity.org
InterVarsity is a vibrant campus ministry that establishes and advances witnessing communities of students and faculty. We minister in a variety of ways, including planting chapters that reach every corner of campus, sending students to global missions fields, serving the larger Christian Church through our retreat and training centers, and producing award-winning books and video resources.

Greenhouse Movement
Jens and Karen serve with Greenhouse raising up new congregations throughout Wisconsin. They desire to see the campuses renewed, the countryside reawakened, and Wisconsin reclaimed for the Gospel. Jens and Karen were married July 2015. Jens grew up on a dairy farm in south central Wisconsin, and before moving back to his home state he helped grow the Cornerstone Parish of congregations on the north side of Chicago. Karen is from Oak Park, IL, and worked for 10 years as a high school math teacher while volunteering with Young Life, before moving to Wisconsin with Jens to start their family. They have three children, Wilma, Anders, and Nels, and love spending time with them.
Bethel House
Email: kristy@bethelhouseinc.org
Website: http://www.bethelhouseinc.org/
Bethel House is an ecumenical project helping families facing homelessness in Whitewater. They provides transitional housing and case management to families in need.

Outstretched Hands
of Romania
Is to work with, and through, the local churches around Calarasi to evangelize and establish more churches. We welcome the involvement of churches, individuals, and short-terms missions groups to assist us in reaching our area. Equipping, supporting, and mentoring leaders is a vital aspect of OH in order to fulfill our vision. There are over 100 small villages around Calarasi, which have no real Christian influence. By assisting churches, OH also has many opportunities to meet physical needs and distribute aid gathered from other countries.

New Day Women's Clinic
We are dedicated to saving the unborn THROUGH nurturing and educating expectant mothers and their families and providing real help and healing for the women who suffer from the aftermath of abortion.
All of our services are 100% free as we aim to empower, enrich, and equip women and families for the journey ahead.
Email: intake@ndwomensclinic.com
Ethnos 360
More than 6,000 of the world’s people groups are still unreached. Are we okay with that? What if we partnered together?
We could make a difference.
What does partnering together look like? What does it take to see a thriving church for every people? It takes prayer, it takes resources and it takes people.